WALLA WALLA h e l w a a

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Childhood life is the best moment in my life. When I was a child, I am having a good happy life and I don’t have any problems at all. I love to plays around with friends in our neighbourhood area. Every days after school we would gathering together and planning what would be our game today. Usually when do outdoor activities we would like to play some traditional games such as “baling selipar”, “konda kundi”, “galah panjang”, “teng-teng” and throwing marbles. It was so fun, playing and laughing. We don’t even know what do tired means! Playing traditional game do not requires you to spend a lot of money to buy the tools or toys like kids nowadays do. Like example, if you want to play “baling selipar”, you just need to use your own selipar with some of your friend’s selipar or you can use empty cans in “susun tin” games. Then you will play for free!

Playings “teng-teng” with neighbourhood.

                As for the girls, sometimes we would like to stay inside the house playing cards with siblings, “congkak”, paper dolls, and “Sahiba” or “Saidina”. Those games do not require you to have so much movement. It was like “minded game”. You just sit there and think or imagine or maybe you just need some luck to win the game. Sometimes it made you fight with your sister if there is any cheating in the game, but that is okay. Fighting in the game is not a big deal. For me, fighting made us close together.

Indoor game- “congkak”

One of my favourite game-Sailormoon paper doll

It was a wonderful childhood that kids nowadays may not have a chance to experiences it. What can I say they were like living in a cage. They have no freedom to run and play even at the front of their house. You know it was very dangerous to let them play without someone monitor. Criminals today were so unpredictable. Kidnappers are everywhere. So the best way is keep them safe in house. Kids can not playing and running inside the house because house is small and have limited space. You might get worries if they running in the house and accidentally hit your mama’s favourite vase.

My little sister and brother like to spends most of their times on the gadgets. You know it is not good for them. Gadgets are expensive for your parents to afford it. Moreover, spend time with technology made them less socialize with people in the real life, thus lack of communication skill.

Kids nowadays, so attached to their gadgets.

Whenever i am free, i love to spend my time with my little sister and brother. I teach them some of the traditional games and they really enjoy it. I think that school should have more outdoor activities that offer the traditional games like this rather than sit in the class for almost 8 hours. Kids need to move and refresh their mind and body!


Have you ever notice that youth nowadays is lack of moral value? Currently there were so many cases reported to media about the bullying and fighting among youth. Don’t you think all this begun from the impoliteness manner? Impoliteness can be define as rude or not polite (Oxford fajar), and thereby cause social conflict and disharmony. Impoliteness comes out when the speaker communicates face-attack intentionally or the hearer perceives and or constructs behaviour as intentionally face-attacking, or combination of both. If they practices politeness and respect each other, those kinds of things would never happened. Since we were kids, we have been taught to respect the elder, speak polite word, shaking hand and eyes contact. This proper manner brings harmony to the society. But today, manners among youth are dead.

Youth fighting at school
Where have manners gone? Of course this all leads back to bad parenting. To parent, the classes are a handy way for busy, often affluent parents to instill important values in their children lives. Two working parents just can’t teach kids how to behave properly. But it's not just that parents are too busy to instill values into their children, they perhaps spending too much time with technology or don't feel equipped to teach proper manners. They enrolled their children because they felt unable to provide the lessons themselves.

Besides that, peer influence also could affects youth’s behaviour. This is because they spend more much time at school with friends rather than with their parents at home. They may only meet their parents at night before slept since parents nowadays are too busy with work. So youth will be closer to their friends because friends give them attention more than their parents do. Sometimes they make their friends as their role model. They would like to copy whatever their friends do; either it is good or bad.

The others factor that contributing to the impoliteness is technology. Cell phones and digital communication in general have completely changed the way people interact. Youth are so attached to their gadgets rather than learn acceptable social skills. Children devote an average of seven hours and 38 minutes to entertainment media each day and 66 percent of those youth own cell phones. With less human talk time, youth aren't learning how to interact in the actual world. Not only does technology limit face-to-face time, but it also has increased the amount of communication people have. The Internet and cell phones have let all impolite evils infiltrate the once polite, isolated culture. 

Youth are the important people in future. Everyone is responsible to instill the moral value to the youth. They should been taught the proper manners, civil values, and good culture so that the harmony can be maintain in our society.

Together learns the ethics.

Cultural Taboos :)


In this time, I want to share with you all about cultural taboos in our Malay community.There are many culture taboos that have been presented to us from old people, especially when we were children. As children, I always wondered whether the prohibition is true or merely hypothetical. I hope with assumptions, you can leave a comments.

Several common taboos that I have heard are as follow:

        Firstly, the common thing that my father always say to me, “Do not sit on the pillow, lest infected boil around the buttocks”.  It sounds very strange. Since I was very stubborn, I have dared to experiment. Without feeling guilty, I was sitting on a pillow several times to accept the alleged curse. Cis! No boil grow at all! But then I realize now, use the pillows to lay the head, not the buttocks. If we sit on the pillow, actually it is looks like no manner. 
       Old people also said that,  "Do not open an umbrella in the house, the snake will enter the house.” About this taboo, I still confused and I am stuck to find the answer. Ah! I do not know what the rationale behind it. But I think there may be sharp corner on the umbrella in case of negligence which may puncture the eye. Don't you agree ?

      Okay. There is also forbidden taboo that it sounds very prank. It sounds like this, “girls who are not married yet cannot sing in the kitchen, as feared would be delayed your marriage”.  Very terrible and obsessive thought all girls? As a precaution, many girls are afraid to sing in the kitchen. They decided to sing in the toilet, they bark with emotions and think of them is like Jaclyn Victor. I took a long time to find the answer. But on this day there may be truth to the assumption that I have derived from the bosom. From my opinion, when girls singing in the kitchen, there is a possibility they will be splashed saliva into the dish or food in the pot. I just think rationally. If you have a more accurate answer or you have your own opinion so lets share with us in Walla Walla Helwaa’s blog.

        Actually too many taboo and customs that do not make sense and it can be found in the traditions of our society. But behind the trickery in the forbidden taboo, there are many lessons we can learn from it. But our ancestors education methods differ, they do not like to tell accurately about the consequences. They prefer intimidating so we do not make mistakes. Effects and consequences will be explored slowly, in line with increasing age. In conclusion, taboo and tradition in our society seems to resemble the teachings of error, but actually implied a very valuable lesson.

singing in the kitchen while cooking

sitting on the pillow



        Child is a priceless gift from Allah SWT. However, nowadays the cases about baby dumping in Malaysia become more serious from day to day. This is a social crisis occurring in Malaysia. Babies dumping mean the acts of throw away the baby at any place without taking care of them. The question is, why this happen? There are many causes baby dumping happen in our country.
        In this case, we cannot deny that actually the lack of religious upbringing is the main cause to this crisis. As we know, religious is the main thing in our daily life that it is actually our guidance to face the world. Lack of religious cause us to lose direction. Those people who throw away the baby without feeling guilt and do not think about sin actually they are lack of religious. This irresponsible people should be given punishment so it will be a lesson to others. “Religious prayer pole” said our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. When someone lacks of their religious prayers, their whole life is damaged. Without religious, humans are blind as they cannot have proper guidance to life.
        Next, occurrence factor of baby dumping is lack of parental love. This is focus to the teenagers. Teenagers nowadays, they like to try a new thing. Once they feel neglected by their parents, they will try to find someone that can give them some love and taking care of them. Actually they needs their parents to love them. But when the parents always busy and someone come to their life and give them what they need, they will give back everything as long they will feel happy. This is the starting for the baby dumping. Some teenagers especially girl, they like to forget their problems by hanging out with their friends of different gender. Sometimes, some of their boyfriends will take advantage to them. When this happened, unwanted babies are born without their consent. So babies dumping will occur.
        Lastly, this issue occurs due to the influence of peer. Every human being on this earth was born with a good manner. Our families or our friends both influence us. So, we as human have to find friends who will lead us in the right way. At a young age, teens are very easily influenced by their peers. This problem becomes worse when they associate with negative peers. So, they will start to do things outside the confines of religion. From there, gradually they will follow the gang’s behavior. At first, they just want to enjoy but at the end they will be stuck with disgraced act. For sure there have been promiscuity and unpredictable thing like adultery will happen. Then, when the girl knows that she was pregnant and the man do not wants to be responsible, the girl will become depressed and dare to do anything. Things will get worse when the baby was born. So, without thinking well, the girl will throw the baby in a hidden place such as toilet, rubbish bin or ravine. As a mother to the baby, it is very cruel act.

        In a nutshell, many factors lead to cases of baby dumping occurred. Either causes from self or our surroundings. Each of us must realize that baby dumping is the horrendous act. We as a human must know the effect of baby dumping and how to overcome this problem so that we will not do it. Often attend to a religion class to gain our knowledge about the religious then we can behave ourselves from vain act. Hopefully this case in our country, Malaysia will be reduced from time to time.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


World Poverty

           Poverty can be defined as the lack of essential items necessary for living in the proper manner  for example, food, water, education ,shelter and essential needs . Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor.       

One of our country also have people are dealing with extreme poverty conditions such as food. Just imagine the young people do not have the sufficient food for healthy body and there become hunger. The effect of their health and their body are easy to get sickness.

Besides the lack of education also is the one principal the causes of world poverty. This is because; education is the main role in one country to get the professional workers to raise living standard to curb poverty. So, government introduces the educational programmed to improve soft-skills and gain innovation for build something that useful for us. We must have acknowledgement to solved any problems and think creative and critics to prevent poverty from become extreme. 

World poverty is something that most grown up people have thought about it at least once. Well, I've thought about it for several times and every time it made me feels sad about it. World poverty is an issue that has been for many years. It's true that human is has been sent to earth equal, but after human began to civilize people were divided three groups like poor people, middle class people, and rich people. When time passed rich people got richer and richer.  

Nevertheless, world poverty is the most essential and very earnest. With this reason, we should be sincere and very serious about poverty.